S H A D O W   P L A Y

Location: The Beinecke Library, New Haven

Location: The Beinecke Library, New Haven

Location: The Noguchi Museum, Queens

Location: The Noguchi Museum, Queens

Location: The Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee

H U M A N S   &   A R T

Location: MoMA, New York City

Location: MoMA, New York City

Location: MoMA, New York City

S H A D E S   O F   N E W Y O R K

Location: Brooklyn Bridge, East River

Location: Flatiron District, New York City

Location: Upper East Side, New York City

Location: Rockefeller Centre, New York City

S H A D E S   O F   P A R I S

Location: Seine River, Paris

Rue de Sèvres, Paris

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